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Early Practitioner's Group Mock Viva Day

When is it:

  • Friday 14th  June
  • Registration at 08:30
  • Start at 09:00 
  • Finish at 17:00

Where is it:

  • 38 Mappin Street Building, Sheffield City Centre, The University of Sheffield, (S1 4DT)

Who is it for:

  • Trainees who are sitting ISFE(Rest) or MPros within the next 12 months.
  • If you are not sitting within the next 12 months, please email to be added to a waitlist.


  • To give attendees experience of sitting MPros and ISFE(Rest) clinical vivas. 

Format of the day:

  • Attendees will rotate around 8 clinical vivas during the day, having the opportunity to answer cases themselves as well as observe others.
  • Personalised feedback will be given after the viva, as well as an opportunity to discuss the cases.
  • Lunch and refreshments will be provided to attendees

Course organisers

  • Stephanie Hackett and Jim Scott



There will be 16 places available and the study day is for BSSPD members only

  • Cost for members: £180

Sorry, all places are now booked