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Officers and Members of the BSSPD Council

Officers and co-opted members

Council Members

  • 2022-2025: Prof Barry Quinn
  • 2023-2026: Mr Steve Bonsor, Mr Conor McLister
  • 2024-2027: Dr Catherine Black, Dr Matt Locke

  • SRRDG Representative: Mr James Scott

Society Administrative Manager

Continuing Professional Education

  • BSSPD Council


  • Dr Stephanie King

Data Protection

  • Mrs K Berridge

EPA Joint National Committee

  • Mr R D Welfare

SAC in Restorative Dentistry

  • Miss Pamela Yule and Dr Rupert Austin

Senate of Dental Specialties

  • Mr Conor McLister

Advisory Board in Restorative Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

  • Dr Rupert Austin

BSI Dental Implant Committee

  • Mr Steve Bonsor

Need to contact us?

If you need to contact the BSSPD or any of our officers and members of council please go to the contact us page.

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