Introducing the BSSPD
The society was founded in 1953 and currently has an active membership of around 500 globally. This makes us one of the oldest and most established dental societies. Collectively our members have a vast amount of experience, with wide-ranging skills and abilities that span across the different dental disciplines.
What is a Prosthodontist?
A prosthodontist is a clinician who undertakes prosthodontics the branch of dentistry concerned with the replacement of teeth. Many but not all of our members are dentally qualified clinicians who have such an interest. Many of our members are specialists as recognised by the General Dental Council (GDC).
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Our aims
Our aim is to advance research and education in the field of dental prosthetics for the benefit of the public.
A large proportion of our membership work within Primary care, and as such, the society has remained in touch with general practice as well as the academic environment.
The Society is represented on National Dental Committees, including the Specialist Advisory Committee in Restorative Dentistry, RD-UK (the Association of Consultants and Specialists in Restorative Dentistry) and the British Standards Institution. The Society also contributes to Committees for Continuing Professional Education and Clinical Effectiveness, Royal College of Surgeons of England.
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Prospective patients can use our website to search our membership database in order to find a BSSPD member in their area.
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