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Membership FAQs

Do I have to prove eligibilty for specialty trainee status?

YES - You will be required to provide evidence of your status i.e. a letter from your head of department emailed to along with your expected date of completion of studies.

When does my membership run from?

The membership period runs from the beginning of February to the end of January. If you join between February and September you will need to renew again the following February. If you join after September, you do not need to renew until the February after next.

Can I pay by direct debit?

Yes - this is our preferred means of payment for BSSPD membership fees.

How do I renew my membership?

For members wishing to renew their membership, please log on to the Members only area of the website and click on Edit my details. You will see an option to renew your membership. If you get an error message from Worldpay, please try logging in using a different Internet browser. If you pay by direct debit, you need do nothing, your membership will be renewed by us automatically.

How do I cancel my membership?

If you wish to cancel your membership with us, please email Kirstin at to do so.