The clinical & practical implications of Endodontic/Prosthodontic interface by Shiyana Eliyas
'The clinical and practical implications of Endodontic / Prosthodontic interface' webinar by Shiyana Eliyas (Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Leicester) which was part of the BSSPD's 2014 / 15 webinar programme.
CPD Aims
An update on the current trends and evidence that relates to the best choice of restoration of root filled anterior and posterior teeth. Discussion of cores, posts, optimisation of coronal form and the factors that affect outcome. Discussion the pros and cons of different types of post materials and the different options of cuspal protection and how we can get the best long-term performance from endodontically treated teeth and how this performance compares with other modalities of prosthodontic treatment (e.g. implants).
- Cost: £10.00
- Presenter: Shiyana Eliyas
- Potential CPD hours: 1.5
- Categories: Pros interface
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