Reduced diameter implants – surgical, biological and prosthodontics aspects by Paul Stone
Reduced diameter implants – surgical, biological and prosthodontics aspects by Paul Stone (Specialist Oral Surgeon, Consultant and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Oral Surgery, Edinburgh Dental Institute) which was part of the BSSPD’s 2015/16 webinar programme.
CPD Aims
To review the advantages and disadvantages of reduced diameter implants and how they influence various aspects of implant dentistry. At the end of this presentation attendees will be familiar with: how reduced diameter implants can be of benefit for specific indications, the potential problems with using narrow implants and advice as to where and when to use reduced diameter implants in clinical practice.
- Cost: £10.00
- Presenter: Paul Stone
- Potential CPD hours: 1.5
- Categories: Implants
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